
This documentation provides details about the FindItem class within the pyews package.

This class is used to find (search) an item from a mailbox.

class pyews.endpoint.finditem.FindItem(query_string, distinguished_folder_name='inbox', base_shape='AllProperties', include_mime_content=True, body_type='Best', traversal='Shallow', reset_cache=False, return_deleted_items=True, return_highlight_terms=True)

Retrieves results from a query string

item_id (str): The item id you want to get information about. change_key (str, optional): The change key of the item. Defaults to None. base_shape (str, optional): The base shape of the returned item. Defaults to ‘AllProperties’. include_mime_content (bool, optional): Whether or not to include MIME content. Defaults to True. body_type (str, optional): The item body type. Defaults to ‘Best’.
BASE_SHAPES = ['IdOnly', 'Default', 'AllProperties']
BODY_TYPES = ['Best', 'HTML', 'Text']
RESULTS_KEY = 'Message'