
This documentation provides details about the CreateFolder class within the pyews package.

This class is used to create folders (specifically focused on search folders) in the specified user mailbox.

class pyews.endpoint.createfolder.CreateFolder(search_string, search_folder=True, display_name='Search Folder', search_all_folders=True, base_folder='inbox', traversal='Deep')

Creates a Folder. Default behavior is to create a Search Folder (eDiscovery Search Folder)

search_string (str): A search string which is converted to a Search Filter search_folder (bool, optional): Creates a Search Folder. Defaults to True. display_name (str, optional): The display name of the search folder. Defaults to ‘Search Folder’. base_folder (str, optional): The base folder the search folder should look at. Defaults to ‘inbox’. traversal (str, optional): The traversal type. Options are Deep and Shallow. Defaults to ‘Deep’.
BASE_SHAPES = ['IdOnly', 'Default', 'AllProperties']
BODY_TYPES = ['Best', 'HTML', 'Text']
RESULTS_KEY = 'CreateFolderResponseMessage'
SEARCH_FILTERS = ['Contains', 'Excludes', 'Exists', 'IsEqualTo', 'IsNotEqualTo', 'IsGreaterThan', 'IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo', 'IsLessThan', 'IsLessThanOrEqualTo']